Side Squat With Bands

Area Targeted: Thigh & Butt

If you have trouble doing a deep squat with bands, then the Side Squat With Tube Bands is the perfect exercise for you. Since you only stand on the band with one foot your movement becomes less limited. These squats are deceiving because you will use less resistance, However, the burn is incredible!

Learn set-up, movements and points to remember below:

Set Up

Anchor: Not required

Bands: Attach each end of the band(s) to a handle.

Body Positioning:

Stand on the middle of the band(s) with one foot. Now grip a handle in each hand and raise the handles up to your shoulders, with the band(s) behind your shoulders. Start with your feet at hips width apart and stand up tall with your head straight, back straight and chest up.


Step straight out to the side with your inactive foot and squat down as if you're sitting in a chair.

Points To Remember

1.Keep your knees over your toes as you squat down.

2.Keep you back straight and chest up throughout the movement.