Lying Triceps Extension With Bands

Area Targeted: Triceps

Lying Triceps Extension With Tube Bands is a great exercise for isolating the Triceps because the floor stabilizes the rest of your body. It can also be the perfect exercise in a super difficult routine, where you may need a break from standing.

Learn set-up, movements and points to remember below:

Set Up

Anchor: Secure the band(s) to the door with the door anchor at the bottom of the door.

Bands: Attach a closed ankle strap to each end of the band(s) and grip the loop of a strap with each hand. Your fingers should be inside the loop, and thumb on the outside.

Body Positioning:

Lay on the floor with your body facing away from the door, and your head about 2 to 3 feet away from the door. Keep your knees bent and together, feet flat on the floor and elbows tight to your side. Start with your arms bent, hands directly over your chest, and palms facing forward.


Push the handles out towards your feet, straightening your arms.

Points To Remember

1.Try to keep your elbows down and stationary at your sides.