Top 3 Resistance Bands Exercises For Football

Believe it or not elastic resistance is the superior training tool for building speed and power on the football field. Seriously! Elastic resistance is better because you can take the exact movements from the field and make them exponentially more difficult, with super effective and smooth resistance. While you can use resistance bands to create tons of power, strength and speed building movements, there are three exercises for the gridiron that really stand out: The Resisted Forward And Side Step, the Three Point Stance Forward And Back, and the Linebacker Pop.

Let’s face it, football games are won and lost at the line of scrimmage. These three football exercises with resistance bands are going to build power and strength so that you can beat your opponent off the line. Let’s get started with the first exercise:


    Explanation: Most plays will be going to either side of the ball. You need to build speed, as the first man to hit, will win the battle. This exercise is great for improving your speed and foot work, as soon as the ball is snapped.

    Set Up:
    Move your resistance bands door to the bottom of the door Attachments: Secure the ankle straps on your ankles, one per ankle. Adjust the straps so that the ring is towards the back of your ankle.

    Attachments: Secure the ankle straps on your ankles, one per ankle. Adjust the straps so that the ring is towards the back of your ankle.

    Body Position: Start in a three point stance

    Movement/instructions: Make sure that you are far enough away from the anchor so that you have tension on the bands. You want to have tension so you build the firing motion within the muscles, the fast twitch muscle fibers. These are the muscles that create power and strength.Get into your 3 point stance with your head up. Take a step to the right with your right foot, then get back in position and then a step to the left with the left foot. Remember, you’re coming out from a down position in a three point stance.As soon as you stand up, you want to be ready to give someone a pop because someone’s going to be coming at you. You want to stand them up. The best way to do this is by staying low.You can alternate side to side or you can do a certain number of reps to the right and then to the left.

    Explanation: The power for exploding forward off the line of scrimmage is dependent on several muscles in the legs. This exercise BUILDS those muscles. Don’t be afraid, add some serious resistance! You will be shocked at how winded you will become, and how much your legs will start to burn. Go get ’em!

    Set Up:

    Anchor: Move your resistance bands door to the bottom of the door Attachments: Secure the ankle straps on your ankles, one per ankle. Adjust the straps so that the ring is towards the back of your ankle.

    Attachments: Secure the ankle straps on your ankles, one per ankle. Adjust the straps so that the ring is towards the back of your ankle.

    Body Position: Start in a three point or four point stance depending on your preference and position.

    Movement/instructions: Make sure that you are far enough away from the anchor so that you have tension on the bands.During this exercise you want to make sure to keep your head up and butt down. To complete one rep for this exercise take and explosive step forward, reset in your 3 or 4 point stance, and then take a controlled step back.


    Explanation: If you are a linebacker, you are behind the line of scrimmage in a squatted “ready” position. At the snap of the ball a big lineman or running back is going to be charging at you to stand you up and push you back. What do you have to do? You have to give the opposing player a powerful pop to stand him up, and push him back so you can follow and stop the play.

    Set Up:
    Move your resistance bands door to the bottom of the door

    Attachments: Secure the ankle straps on your arms above the elbow. Adjust the straps so that the ring is towards the back of your arm.

    Body Position: Start in a football/linebacker “ready” stance

    Movement/instructions: From the “ready” position, you are going to step to the right and push out in front of you as hard as you can against the resistance. This will simulate forcefully hitting/pushing a lineman so he doesn’t take you out. Then get back to your “ready” position. You can alternate 1 rep from one side to the other or you can do a certain number of reps to one side and then switch.

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