Standing Triceps Extension With Bands
Area Targeted: Triceps
Standing Triceps Extensions with Tube Bands will feel very similar to Cable Triceps Extensions from the gym. This exercise is great to occasionally add into your routine to keep the workouts fresh, and create variety.
Learn set-up, movements and points to remember below:
Set Up
Anchor: Secure the band(s) to the door with the door anchor at the top of the door.
Bands: Attach a closed ankle strap to each end of the band(s) and grip the loop of a strap with each hand. Your fingers should be inside the loop, and thumb on the outside.
Body Positioning: Stand 3 to 4 feet away from the door. Keep your back flat, chest up, and bend slightly forward at your waist. Start with your upper arms in line with your body, elbows tight to your sides and hands at chest height, 8 inches apart, with palms facing in.
Push your hands down until they are right below your hips, and your arms are straight.
Points To Remember
1. Keep your elbows stationary at your sides, do not let them forward or back during the movement.